iGeneTech Bioscience Co., Ltd.

Hema Tumor Fusion Panel

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TargetSeq® Hema Tumor Fusion RNA Panel is designed for the detection of known and unknown fusion events related to hematological tumors at the RNA level. It includes 141 common fusion genes such as KMT2A, RARα, NUP98, etc. and can detect low abundance transcripts and fusion genes with high sensitivity and accuracy. It is applicable to various scenarios such as disease diagnosis, disease treatment, prognosis determination, and recurrence monitoring.


Product Parameter

Panel Number
Technical Platform
TargetSeq® Hybridization Capture Sequencing
Coverage Size
851.2 kb
Reference Database
Reference Genome
GRCh37 (hg19)
141 common blood tumor fusion genes
Sequence Platform
Illumina / MGI
Recommend Sequencing Read Length
Recommend Sequencing Data Size and Depth
3 Gb / 2,000X


  • Comprehensive detection of hematologic tumor mutations, covering hotspot genes in gonadotropic, myeloid, and partially unknown pedigrees.

  • Relying on self-developed TargetSeq® hybridization capture technology, the panel is flexible, homogeneous, and capture effective.


High Reproducibility

100 ng BCR-ABL1 or ETV6-RUNX1 RNA standards (provided by Co-Bioer) was used for library preparation. These libraries were then subjected to capture with TargetSeq® Hema Tumor Fusion RNA Panel followed by sequencing. The resultant data exhibited a high degree of reproducibility.

High Reproducibility
High Sensitivity of Fusion Gene Detection

The BCR-ABL1 and ETV6-RUNX1 fusion gene standards were diluted in a gradient (dilutions of 1-512). RNA libraries were constructed (RNA starting input of 100 ng) and sequenced after hybridization capture using an 851 kb Panel. The results showed that the RNA capture sequencing Panel could still detect two fusion genes at 256-fold dilution. In contrast, BCR-ABL1 and ETV6-RUNX1 fusion genes were not detected in the RNA-Seq data at 4-fold dilution.

Sequencing MethodDilution RatioBCR-ABL1 FusionETV6-RUNX1 Fusion
Input Copy NumberAverage Unique ReadsConclusionInput Copy NumberAverage Unique ReadsConclusion
RNA Targeted Sequencing1 times13400893.0Detected8800250.5Detected
2 times6700407.5Detected4400132.0Detected
4 times3350214.0Detected220079.5Detected
32 times41963.5Detected27512.5Detected
128 times10524.5Detected683.5Detected
256 times5211.0Detected342.5Detected
512 times262.5Detected170Not detected
RNA-Seq4 times33500Not detected22000Not detected

Learn More About Hema Tumor Fusion Panel

Ordering Info

Hema Tumor Fusion Panel
Product NamePanel NumberSetCat. No
TargetSeq® Hema Tumor Fusion RNA PanelT508V1RNA16 rxnPT1006641
96 rxnPT1006642


Demo DataSet
  • TargetSeq® Hema Tumor Fusion RNA Panel (T508V1RNA) demo data
    TargetSeq® Hema Tumor Fusion RNA Panel (T508V1RNA) demo data
bed File
  • TargetSeq® Hema Tumor Fusion RNA Panel (T508V1RNA) bed file
    TargetSeq® Hema Tumor Fusion RNA Panel (T508V1RNA) bed file