iGeneTech Bioscience Co., Ltd.

HLA Panel & MHC Panel

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TargetSeq® Human HLA Panel and TargetSeq® Human MHC Panel are HLA gene detection products based on TargetSeq® hybridization capture technology developed by iGeneTech. These panels are highly efficient in capturing the polymorphic region and combined with NGS technology to achieve high-precision typing of the HLA gene at 6 sites, and can be widely used in the field of immunology research.

TargetSeq® Human HLA Panel is designed to detect 6 genes related to human leukocyte antigens (HLA) including the full-length sequences of HLA class I molecules A, B, and C genes and the full exon sequences of HLA class II molecules DRB1, DQB1, and DPB1 genes. Based on typing analysis, this panel can be applied to transplant mapping, immune disease research, drug allergy, and other directions.

TargetSeq® Human MHC Panel is designed for the full length of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene and contains the traditional HLA region (~3.37 Mb) and its flanking region (~1.6 Mb). A total of 8 haplotypes, which are PGF, COX, QBL, APD, DBB, MANN, MCF, and SSTO, are also included to achieve high coverage of HLA polymorphic regions. It can be used for the study of immune diseases and oncology research, or can provide reference for tissue and organ transplantation through data analysis, etc.

Product Specifications

Panel Number
TargetSeq® HLA Panel:T216V1 TargetSeq® MHC Panel:T231V2
Technical Platform
TargetSeq® Hybridization Capture Sequencing
Coverage Size
HLA Panel:15.6 kb MHC Panel:4.9 Mb
Reference Database
Reference Genome
GRCh37 (hg19)
•HLA Panel: Full length of HLA I-A, -B, -C genes and exons of HLA II-DRB1, -DQB1, -DPB1 genes •MHC Panel: HLA regions and their flank regions, 8 haplotypes of PGF, COX, QBL, APD, DBB, MANN, MCF and SSTO
Sequence Platform
Illumina / MGI
Recommend Sequencing Read Length
Recommend Sequencing Data Size and Depth
HLA Panel:0.2 Gb / 1,000X MHC Panel:10 Gb


  • High resolution, enabling 6 sites of high-precision genotyping.

  • Rigorous design, with probes achieving high coverage of the target region.

  • Flexible custom, with the possibility of customizing customer-specific HLA typing products based on actual needs.


HLA Panel for 6 Sites High-Precision Genotyping

Nearly 100 samples were used for library construction by IGT® Enzyme Plus Library Prep Kit, and TargetSeq® Human HLA Panel was for target enrichment. After sequencing with PE150, HLA-HD analysis software was used for typing. The results showed up to 100% consistancy with the HLA typing results of the conventional PCR SBT method, allowing high-precision genotyping at 6 sites. The figure on the right shows an example of HLA 6 sites high-precision typing results.

GeneHLA Typing Result
HLA-AA*02:01:01; A*01:01:01
HLA-BB*08:01:01; B*35:32:02
HLA-CC*07:01:01; C*04:01:01
HLA-DQB1DQB1*02:01:01G; DQB1*05:01:01
HLA-DPB1DPB1*04:01:01; DPB1*03:01:01
HLA-DRB1DRB1*03:01:01G; DRB1*07:01:01
MHC Panel Enables High Coverage and Effective Enrichment of MHC Region

Libraries of 2 gDNA samples were constructed by IGT® Enzyme Plus Library Prep Kit, and TargetSeq® Human MHC Panel was used for target enrichment. After sequencing with PE150, the results showed that at 200X average sequencing depth, the coverage was >97%, with homogeneity (T20%X coverage rate) >90% and capture efficiency >77%, showing that it could achieve high coverage and effective enrichment of MHC region.

Sample TypeCoverage rate(%)Target Reads capture rate(%)Target Mean depthT 20X coverage rate(%)T 20%X coverage rate(%)

Learn More About HLA Panel & MHC Panel

Ordering Info

HLA Panel & MHC Panel
Product NamePanel NumberSetCat. NoOrder
TargetSeq® Human HLA PanelT216V116 rxnPT1001831Info
96 rxnPT1001832Info
TargetSeq® Human MHC PanelT231V216 rxnPT1002021Info
96 rxnPT1002022Info


Demo DataSet
  • TargetSeq® MHC Panel (T231V2) demo data
    TargetSeq® MHC Panel (T231V2) demo data
  • TargetSeq® HLA Panel (T216V1) demo data
    TargetSeq® HLA Panel (T216V1) demo data
bed File
  • TargetSeq® MHC Panel (T231V2) bed file
    TargetSeq® MHC Panel (T231V2) bed file
  • TargetSeq® HLA Panel (T216V1) bed file
    TargetSeq® HLA Panel (T216V1) bed file


Yu Xia; Xiaowen Liu; Wenli Mu; Chunyan Ma; Laicheng Wang; Yulian Jiao; Bin Cui; Shengnan Hu; Ying Gao; Tao Liu; Huanxin Sun; Shuai Zong; Xin Liu; Yueran Zhao
Frontiers in Immunology 2022;13:837336 DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2022.837336