iGeneTech Bioscience Co., Ltd.

Universal Blocking Oligo

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Library Types
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TargetSeq® Universal Blocking Oligo series products are used to block self-ligation of adapters to reduce non-specific adapter interaction during probe hybridization and thus to increase data utilization. iGeneTech offers 2 versions of universal blocking oligo for different library input in hybridization workflow, i.e., TargetSeq® Universal Blocking Oligo and TargetSeq® Eco Universal Blocking Oligo for up to 6 μg and 3 μg libraries, respectively.



  • Suitable for various types of libraries

  • Stable and excellent performance with different panels and inputs

  • Pre-mixed reagents for simple operation.

Library Types



Excellent blocking effect for different library types

TargetSeq® Universal Blocking Oligo series products are suitable for different library types. The following figures are test results for single- and dual-indexed libraries with or without UMI, and the results showed that the performance are stable and excellent in all tested library types.

Excellent blocking effect for different library types
Stable performance for panels with different region sizes

TargetSeq® Universal Blocking Oligo series products work well with panels of different region sizes. The results are shown in the figures below for small, median and large panels of region size of 70 kb, 1 Mb and 34 Mb, respectively.

Stable performance for panels with different region sizes
Stable performance with different input amounts

TargetSeq® Universal Blocking Oligo series products are stable for different library input amounts. In a test with different input library amount of 750 ng, 3 μg and 6 μg, the results were stable among all samples.

Stable performance with different input amounts
Stable performance with multiplexing

TargetSeq® Universal Blocking Oligo series products performed stable and well in multiplexing testing with 1-Plex (500 ng), 6-Plex (3 μg) and 12-Plex (6 μg).

Stable performance with multiplexing

Ordering Info

Universal Blocking Oligo
Product NameSetCat. No
TargetSeq® Universal Blocking Oligo (for Illumina)4 rxnC80490
16 rxnC80491
96 rxnC80492
TargetSeq® Universal Blocking Oligo (for MGI DI)4 rxnC80520
16 rxnC80521
96 rxnC80522
TargetSeq® Eco Universal Blocking Oligo (for Illumina)16 rxnC80501
96 rxnC80502
TargetSeq® Eco Universal Blocking Oligo (for Illumina Nextera)16 rxnC80511
96 rxnC80512
TargetSeq® Eco Universal Blocking Oligo (for MGI SI)16 rxnC80541
96 rxnC80542
TargetSeq® Eco Universal Blocking Oligo (for MGI DI)16 rxnC80531
96 rxnC80532
TargetSeq® Eco Universal Blocking Oligo (for Illumina ssDNA Library)16 rxnC80791
96 rxnC80792

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